Thursday, July 31, 2008

Reaching out through Pop Culture

Our Church does a tremendous job reaching out and one of they ways that they do this is through Pop Culture. I recently read a book by Tim Stevens, Executive Pastor of Granger Community Church title Pop Goes the Church. In this book Tim talks about how Jesus used the pop culture of his time to relate to the people around Him and teach the Good News. Tim uses these founding principles to explain how today's modern Church needs to continue reaching the world through pop culture instead bashing pop culture. Tim maintains a very interesting and up-to-date blog, worth checking out:

Leveraging today's pop culture and the popularity of movies our Church does an annual series entitled "God at the Movies" and before a sermon, which used the movie Enchanted they played the below video. All I can say is that we have the most talented and best production team, who used a green screen to film this intro - it is hilarious. The stars are from our Pastoral team and church. The guy in the headphones is our teaching Pastor. This vid is well worth a couple of minutes to watch, enjoy.


berrypatch said...

Okay, that was just hilarious! Who was the guy in the blue shirt dancing through?? Too funny!!!! Does your church post their sermons anywhere? Podcast? Video? I'd love to check it out sometime.

Chip Gillespie said...

I'll send it to you an an email but you can go to to check out the podcast. I think soon there will be video but for right now it is only audio.