Friday, July 18, 2008

Video Games

Last night at our small group study a couple of us guys had a talk about video games and the addictive nature of them. Today my wife, while looking through the fliers, found an ad for a t-shirt (pic on the right). The small print reads, "It was the worst 15 minutes of my life!" There are so many studies and surveys done about gaming and to the left is survey from the AP that shows an amazing 69% of American heads of households who play computer games. Wow! WebMD has a great article about the whole video game phenomenon:

I have never been much of a gamer but there was a time when my son and I would play hours of the original Command and Conquer game. Now I have more fun building operating systems and scouring the net for the latest technology advances, which can be quite addictive as well. My son still games on a regular and consistent basis that at times seems to interfere with his life. The Bottom line is that there are a lot of theories and speculation on why one becomes addicted but medical science still is wondering about the why and how to cure the obsessive gamer.

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